Der Chat lief - und wir haben einen Verdacht.

Hier ist der Skript:
***chat session '2010-10-21' initiated***Was wir nun wissen:
***Host has joined***
***Guest1 has joined***
[Guest1]: hello?
[Host]: good. this is more secure
[Guest1]: who are you?
[Host]: i can help to find your father
[Host]: he needs your help
[Guest1]: that doesnt make sense
[Guest1]: ive never met him
[Guest1]: how do you know him?
[Host]: I'm here to help you find your father
[Guest1]: Is hein trouble or soemthing?
[Host]: Those items you were asking abou: the oney your mother left you: some of them may
have belonged to your father they may be important
[Guest1]: important how?
[Host]: tyell me exactly what they are
[Guest1]: that scrap of film from the canister
[Guest1]: a picture of some guys in front of a building, looks like a hangar?
[Guest1]: and a metal cyilinder with three dots on it
[Host]: Is there anything inside the cylinder?
[Guest1]: no it's empty
[Guest1]: why?
[Host]: is that everything?
[Guest1]: i think so
[Host]: please look again. I believe he may have hidden something that will help us find him
[Host]: i'll share more of what i have and maybe it will help you
[Guest1]: i didn't understand what you sent before. this is crazy
[Host]: please look now. i'll be back when it's safe
[Guest1]: buthow will i know it if i find it?
***Host has left***
***Guest1 has left***
***chat session '2010-10-21' terminated***
- Joshs Vater braucht seine Hilfe
- Mystero antwortet keine Fragen
- Die Erbsachen von Joshs Eltern sind überaus wichtig und beinhalten Hinweise auf den Standort seines Vaters
- Mystero ist der Inhaber von
- Es gibt da ein altes Foto irgendwelcher Männer vor dem Hangar
und ein geerbtes Kanister (!) mit drei Punkten (die Bedeutung dieser Information ist mir zunächst unklar)