Super8: Ausserirdische Energien und verlassene Krankenhäuser.

Es gibt zwei Neuigkeiten: die Schlechte und die Gute. Die Schlechte ist: Josh wurde ausgeraubt. Das hat er im folgenden Chat auf STIES-Konsole mitgeteilt (das Besonders Wichtige fett markiert - M.). Die Gute: nichts ist entwendet worden, wir sind sogar bereichert. Zusammenfassung am Ende des Protokolls (für besonders Eilige)

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Guest1: hello?
Host: What happened? Where were you?

Guest1: someone broke into my house
Guest1: was it you?
Host: Don't be foolish. Did they take anything or see anything we've discussed
Guest1: noI don't think so. I think I should call the police
Host: this wasn't a robbery,calling the police will make things worse for you.
Host: Whomever it was was looking for something.
Guest1: they looked through my files.
Guest1: I know they saw the cylinder and the other photos cause they were moved from where I kept them
Guest1: don't think they saw the stuff on my computer, like the picture you sent me.
Guest1: That was my dad, right?
Host: what about the book? do you still have it?
Guest1: No you answer me!
Guest1: Someone just broke into my house and I want answers. What was that picture you sent me?
Host: Your father was a Biospeleologist
Host: He was plucked to work on a project of great importance.
Guest1: For the government?
Host: Yes.
Guest1: What project?
Host: You wouldn't believe me.
Guest1: try me.
Host: We found an important alternative energy source.
Host: It involved foreign matter. But it got out of control.
Guest1: Out of control how?
Guest1: My dad kept something in that empty cylinder didn't he?
Guest1: Is that what they were after?
Host: you are quick. Like your father.
Host: I told you: we found an important alternative energy source. He must have hid it.
Host: do you still have the book?
Guest1: yeah
Host: upload the rest to me using the D12 entry.
Host: I need that coding system.
Guest1: am I in danger? Is my dad?
Host: I don't know
Host: I'm going to post something else I have been working on, something I’m getting shortly from this code.
Host: See if it means anything to you.
Host: We need to find what your father kept in the cylinder. If we find it, we find him.
Guest1: I should shut down my blog, right?
Host: No. Keep posting. Say you were robbe. Say you've involved the police. Lie. You need to act normal.
Guest1: What if they come back?
Host: I am not worried about that.
Host: If they were who I fear is after your father, you wouldn’t still be around to speak to me
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Also, nun wissen wir folgendes:
  • Joshs Vater war Biospeläologe und arbeitete an einem Regierungsprojekt
  • in diesem Projekt waren fremdartigen Energiequellen involviert
  • man hat, naja, Kontrolle über diese Energien verloren
  • ein Buch aus Joshs Bibliothek (Moby Dick) beinhaltet wichtige und kodierte Informationen
Josh folgte dem Rat des Mysterio, normal weiter zu leben und schrieb in seinem Blog:
Und kurz danach veröffentlichte Mysterio auf der STIES-Seite eine Karte. Wie immer unter dem Passwort "toadfish112".

Auf der Karte sieht man unter anderem eine Abkürzung FFSH. Was bedeutet das alles? Fragt die Experten auf Unfiction-Forum. Innderhalb von wenigen Stunden hat man (gut, eventuell) bereits den ersten heissen Spur.
Fergus Falls State Hospital
Photo: laurapalmer813 Source: AbandonedPlaces
Es ist ein halbwegs verlassenes Krankenhaus ("still partly in use"). Hat es etwas zu tun mit unserer Geschichte? Und was bedeutet "12.68"?
Zum Vergleich (dank xumx)

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